Aerial view of Aarhus, a 'Human Site'

Scandinavian Centre, Aarhus, Denmark

A photographic project about places in Aarhus, human beings and human sites in this – or any other city. The exhibition was an attempt to uncover how we relate to our surroundings and how we are influenced by them. The presentation of the artworks took place in a ”human site” – an empty shop in a shopping centre.

The exhibition was supported by Statens Kunstfonds Projektstøtteudvalg for Billedkunst and Kulturudviklingspuljen, Aarhus Council


HUMAN SITES. Exhibition view


HUMAN SITES. Exhibition view


HUMAN SITES. Exhibition view


Human Sites. Exhibition view
HUMAN SITES. Exhibition view


Slide projection on a pillow placed on the floor
HUMAN SITES. Exhibition view


HUMAN SITES. Street, Aarhus