Ugler i mosen / ‘the owls are not what they seem’. 2015
Nicolai Kunst & Design, Kolding
A site-specific tableaux/stage setting with photographic prints, video, objects and furniture. A cinematic universe occurs, that interprets and unfolds the saying: ‘the owls are not what they seem’. The well known and the reliable is not what it seems. Something is wrong or hidden.
The exhibition shows various photos of owls from the archives of Naturhistorisk Museum Aarhus.
As an integrated part of the exhibition an Artist Book Ugler i mosen was created.
Other participants: Lene Desmentik, Tanja Nellemann Poulsen og Steffen Tast
Ugler i mosen. Tekst af Rikke Hansen
Støttet af Statens Kunstfond og Kolding Kommune
Udsigt / View. Uglelampe / Owl-Lamp
Birkeskov / Birch Forest. Uglelamper / Owl-Lamps
Birkeskov / Birch Forest. Uglelampe / Owl-Lamp
Vat / Cotton Wool. Lydbillede / Sound Waves
Artist Book: Ugler i mosen / Owls in the moor
The images in the book are mostly of owls with different character traits. The owls are all stuffed but looking at them they seem both artificial and alive. They become alive when they are combined with nature photos, alive when they are photographed in nature and ‘revived’ when they talk together or more precisely hoot to each other across the pages – about love, hunting, loneliness. A swan intervenes in their conversation.
The title Ugler i mosen refers to the expression ”the owls are not what they seem” which in a figurative sense is used when something mysteriously happens and something deviates from the norm.
In the exhibition Ugler i mosen by HUMAN SITES sohn+isaksen several copies of the books were placed on a bookshelf held in place by a bookend. One book was placed to read through.
Photos, text and layout: HUMAN SITES sohn+isaksen
Size: 10 x 10 cm (size as a Danish PIXI-book)
Published by ARK, Aarhus, Denmark (www.arkmappen.dk) / ISBN 978-87-997581-1-1
Ugler i mosen. Nicolai Kunst & Design, Kolding 2015
HUMAN SITES sohn+isaksen udførte en stedspecifik installation til udstillingen ‘Ugler i mosen’ i Nicolai Kunst & Design i Kolding, november 2015 med kunstnerne Lene Desmentik, Tanja Nellemann Poulsen og Steffen Tast.
I stemningstableauer/iscenesættelse med fotografiske print, genstande og møbler skabes et filmisk univers, som fortolker og udfolder talemåden Ugler i mosen. Det velkendte og tilforladelige får et twist; der er noget på færde.