Harbour. Power of Dreams. 2014
PORT 14. Spanien 19 C, Aarhus, Denmark
Harbour. Power of Dreams – a photographic exhibition concerning the harbour as a site for dreamers.
The exhibition is specially made for the gallery Spanien 19C situated at the Aarhus Harbour.
Photos taken at the harbour and relating to sea journeys are shown as projections and digital prints in an installation with the gallery as a stage. Together with items on loan from Aarhus Søfartsmuseum various tableaux are made in a poetic and a dreamy atmosphere: The harbour where ships and distant horizons are calling.
Audiodesigner/musician Nicolas Vetterli has created a sound piece for the exhibition composed with sounds recorded at the Aarhus Harbour.
As an integrated part of the exhibition an Artists’ Book ‘TOMMY/S KAHYT’ / TOMMY/S CABIN was created. The book consists of photos, a sound piece by Nicolas Vetterli and a text by art critic Rikke Hansen.
The exhibition was supported by Statens Kunstfonds Projektstøtteudvalg for Billedkunst and by Kulturudviklingspuljen, Aarhus Council
Other participants: Nicolas Vetterli, Anne Dyhr, Marianne Jørgensen, Joaquin Zaragoza, Hanne Munk, Mette Skriver, Anne Grethe Linnet, Jens Settergren, Sebastian Edin
Pressemeddelelse, Harbour. Power of Dreams
TOMMY/S KAHYT, entrance
TOMMY/S KAHYT, interior
TOMMY/S KAHYT, interior
TOMMY/S KAHYT, Porthole-Wallpaper
Kajhylde / Quay Shelf
Model of Aarhus Harbour
Sand. Video
Looking in the book TOMMY/S KAHYT / TOMMY/S CABIN you will get a view at the ocean and the sky as through a porthole and experience moments from Tommy’s life at sea.
Photos: HUMAN SITES sohn+isaksen
Layout: HUMAN SITES sohn+isaksen and Maya Lou Ploug Ochoa
Sound piece: LYDBØLGER / SOUND WAVES composed by audio designer Nicolas Vetterli and played during the exhibition. A OR-code/link offers free download.
Text (Danish and English): POSITIONER, RETNINGER / POSITIONS, DIRECTIONS by art critic Rikke Hansen. The text deals with stories from the harbour, voyages and sea movements in time and space.
Published by ARK, Aarhus, Denmark (www.arkmappen.dk) / ISBN 978-87-997581-0-4
Printed by LaserTryk.dk
Harbour. Power of Dreams. 2014
Udstillingsstedet Spanien 19C, Aarhus. Denmark
En installatorisk sammenstilling af fotografiske print og projektioner med fysiske havne-objekter udlånt af Aarhus Søfartsmuseum. Med et poetisk greb beskrives havnens maskuline fysik og begreberne udlængsel og forankring. Lydkunstner Nicolas Vetterli bidrager med et værk med udgangspunkt i havnens skjulte lyde og vibrationer.
Havnen er et orienteringspunkt og et sted for drømmere. Stedet hvor havets element tager over, og horisonten kalder. Hvor bygninger bliver til skibe, som fører os bort. Her på grænsen mellem land og vand begynder rejsen – eller drømmen om den. Havnen er ‘Power of Dreams’, udlængsel og hjemlængsel, forankring og løsrivelse.